Wednesday, June 07, 2006


The real basis for American-German relations:

- graham crackers
- peanut butter (very hard to come by; instead, they have Nutella, which is basically the best thing ever for chocolate lovers)
- a loofah (this took considerable discussion to discern the person was actually requesting a loofah and not a hairy sponge)
- ranch dressing (does not exist, once again)
- tortillas (mexican is just not something they do over there)
- keychains, commemorative
- bumper stickers and fridge magnets (odd, but I guess it makes sense)
- CO postcards
- books in english
- junior mints and oreos

Conversely, things I have been asked to bring back from Germany:
- chocolate (the Germans, according to them, have the best chocolate in Europe and it is certainly cheaper--postage costs more than the chocolate. The $2.25 bar at Peppercorn's? 0.60 euros)
- Kloessel (dumplings)
- Dutch cocoa (strangely hard to get here)
- Griess (Semolina) also hard to find
- Wine

But the best of German food (in my opinion) doesn't travel well:
- Cake (black forest, Donau waves, eclairs)
- Bread (if you haven't had German bread, French bread, or Italian bread, you haven't had bread. If you have, that squishy white stuff they sell at safeway tastes like sawdust)
- Turkish food (more kinds of olives, olive oil, Fladenbrot, Doener--Gyros-like things
- Cheese (this ain't France but French and Italian cheese is relatively cheap, at $2-5 instead of $5-10 here)


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