Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sometimes... wake up really hungry. Or at least I do. So you and your bed head, at some ungodly hour of the morning, James Bond your way to the kitchen, avoiding the sneaking floorboard, checking for enemy agents before entering the kitchen. You don't turn on the light, oh no, that would be too obvious. You have a craving of some persuasion, perhaps chocolate--though this affliction seems to have skipped me, though the rest of my family and friends suffer greviously--perhaps ice cream, perhaps pickles, cheerios, mayonnaise--the possibilities are as numerous as bacteria on room-temperature beef, constrained only by your imagination, the contents of your fridge/pantry/whatever and the fact that you actually don't usually know *what* the hell you want. So you take the Smorgesbord (which, incidentally, just means 'bread and butter' in Swedish) approach. Two pickles, a square of chocolate, a handful of granola, some leftovers, maybe a scoop of ice cream. If you're nice, you don't double-dip utensils, though in the end (assuming this is your house) you've probably exchanged so much bacteria with whomever else lives there that it doesn't matter anyways. But everyone knows, food tastes better eaten over the sink at 2 AM. Or is this just a personal problem?

Image courtesy of Mandy Burnham


At 9:49 PM, Blogger Katie said...

I don't eat at two AM. I have a principle against it. Some crazy OCD ideas I have in my head about Oral Hygiene. I have found, however, that food tastes best when you're starving.


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